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Potty Training Manual & Recommended Products

Potty Training Manual: A Pelvic PT's Guide to Safe & Effective Potty Training

This comprehensive 38 page potty training manual will get you started on your potty training journey. 

What it covers:
  • What is Potty Training

  • Bladder, Bowel, & Pelvic Floor Anatomy & Function

  • Bowel Movements and Constipation

  • Nutrition

  • Body Awareness & Sensory Issues

  • Preparing for Potty Training

  • Signs of Potty Training Readiness

  • Potty Training Days 1-3

  • Potty Training Daily Schedule

  • Accidents

  • Tips, Tricks & Troubleshooting

  • Follow Up & Monitoring

Recommended Potty Training Products


Here is a list of some of the items that are helpful to have on-hand before potty training.  For a complete list and links to the products and books please visit my website,


FUN underwear

  • Let your child pick out some new underwear that they love and will be more motivated to wear (and keep dry).  Go shopping with them to pick some out or let them pick some out to order online.  Avoid the thick training underwear since that may soak up some of the urine and they will have less sensory awareness that they have peed.

Multiple changes of clothes

  • We are going to expect accidents, so you may just want to have them wear a shirt and underwear during the potty training days.

Cleaning supplies

  • Carpet cleaner, paper towel, mop, wipes, or whatever you use for cleaning for the accidents that will likely happen

  • Small garbage bags to use for the travel potty or floor potty for easier cleanup


Flushable wipes

  • For easier cleanup at the potty (toilet paper is also fine too!)

  • Ex: Kandoo Flushable Wipes

Floor potty

  • Ex: Summer Infant Potty, Babybjorn Potty Chair, Munchkin Arm & Hammer Multistage 3-in-1 Potty


Small toilet seat for the big toilet

  • You don’t want your child to feel like they are going to fall into the toilet, so get an attachable small toilet seat or use the ladder + toilet seat combo below

  • Ex: Munchkin Potty Seat, Munchkin Arm & Hammer Multistage 3-in-1 Potty, Babybjoyn Toilet Trainer Seat

Step stool or ladder

  • You can use the stool or ladder to the big toilet and another stool for the sink

  • Ex Ladder: Potty Training Seat with Step Stool Ladder

  • Ex 2-step stools: Jessa Leona, Parent’s Choice, Dreambaby

Travel potty

  • Ex: Cool Gear Travel Potty, OXO tot 2-in-one Go Potty, or any of the floor potties above


  • Small toys, stickers, little bubble containers, books, cars, slinkies, etc – think little party gifts or what your child might get from the treasure chest at the dentist (The dollar store would be great for these)

Successful Potty Sticker Chart

  • Hang it up in the bathroom with your child the night before

Books about their body and going potty

Potty Pause

  • Button to pause play time to use the potty


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