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Telehealth with someone who is highly specialized in pregnancy and postpartum is essential during these periods of your life.  Your body during pregnancy and after having a baby is very different and we need to respect the changes going on with our bodies and rehab appropriately.  We have increased ligament laxity during pregnancy, which can continue for many months postpartum, so having one-on-one training to make sure you have perfect posture, form, alignment, and appropriate exercises for your current state is important.  We are specialized with working with women during pregnancy and postpartum and will know how to adjust your specific exercises based on your current symptoms and can modify for things such as diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, or pelvic pain.

Posture and alignment is another key focus during these sessions, which is extremely important to address during pregnancy as our alignment often suffers with our growing belly leading to body aches and pains.  After pregnancy many moms struggle with their posture and alignment because of the added demands of a baby and dysfunctional habitual postures we often get into to feed or hold our babies.  We need to be able to attain a neutral posture for all of our core musculature to work to be symptoms free.

Telehealth is an interactive form of treatment that may take place at the location of your choice while your therapist is in another setting.  Through the use of a live streaming format on your computer or mobile device, you will be able to interact with your therapist to experience treatment sessions similar to those you would experience in-person.  


Telehealth sessions can address any of the conditions that we typically see in-person:

  • Core and pelvic floor strength

  • Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)

  • The mom "belly pooch"

  • Scar restrictions or pain

  • Poor posture

  • Body mechanics

  • Back pain

  • Pelvic pressure/heaviness/prolapse

  • Urinary issues

  • Full body strength and conditioning

  • Pelvic pains

  • Painful intercourse

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